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November 11, 2009

Incredible child genius in malaysia

Who is this child genius?
His name is Adi Putra Abdul Ghani

He is a CEO and a lecturer now.

The star says:

CHILD genius Adi Putra Abdul Ghani, 10, is now the chief executive officer of two companies and a lecturer who charges RM6,000 per hour, Sin Chew Daily and Nanyang Siang Pau reported.

The dailies said his mother Serihana Alias operates the two companies, which sell vitamins under the brand Adi.

Adi Putra, who is supposed to be attending Year Four classes at his age, has stopped schooling.

He has been invited to certain local universities to give lectures.

The Perak-born child genius, who moved to Selangor with his family a few years ago, was quoted as saying that he wanted to be a lecturer in Islamic studies.

Serihana said he keeps track of foreign stock markets via the Internet and studies at home.

“He’s interested in mathematics, physics, chemistry, geography and biology, but not so much in history and politics. He dislikes reading books but loves spending his time browsing the Net for study materials.

“Adi also hopes to study in Canada, Singapore or the United States, but we have yet to come to a final decision,” she said.

Just imagine :RM6OOO per hour for a 10 years old kid.RM 6000 is quite a lot for him to spend as a young boy.
Even a teacher or a lecturer can't even afford to have that amount of money per hour...

This young boy is seriously BRILLIANT!

He is going to be very successful in the future.

How amazing to see such a young boy earning so much than the teachers and lecturers.XD

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